Client Highlight: Creating Impactful Product Photography With Display Pack

Back in February Aaron and I had our first conversation with Hope Ramseyer of Display Pack. Three sentences into our conversation we were impressed. Our company group-chat can confirm. 

Hope had a vision, and understood how necessary updating their product photography was to the success of her new company's overhauled online shopping experience and branding. Having recently relocated to the Grand Rapids area, Hope was in need of a team to help deliver more than standard product photography.

Thankfully we were that team. Hope's previous experience in automotive branding/marketing was immediately apparent. She had example photos ready, clearly articulated their brand promise, and every clarifying and probing question we had was answered thoughtfully and honestly. This level of client interaction and readiness accelerates the creative process out of discovery into iterating/ideating incredibly fast.

After signing off on the proposal we pushed some sample photos Hope's way, and used the feedback to lock-in the look we were after more than two weeks before the eventual shoot date.

The Result: Impactful Brand Inspired Product Photography

This is the result. 


We helped Hope and her team replace the standard CAD/CGI renderings with a #foodie inspired aesthetic that exudes Display Pack's brand promise: innovative and  functionally designed food packaging  that enhances their customer's brand. Clear renders against a neutral blue background didn't communicate that promise to consumers. We needed to show the functionality of the packaging, and how the craftsmanship and clarity influenced the consumer experience in the store. 

The Extended Photoshoot Team and Workflow

We enlisted the help of Food Stylist Joanie Homrich to bring each unique piece of packaging to life. Joanie's expertise, paired with Hope's keen eye, and our team's expertise resulted in a whirlwind of creativity. Aaron, myself (Phill) and Nate already had lighting pre-lit the evening before the shoot. Aaron spent all week creating a butcher-block tabletop. And as a team we used Capture One to maximize our time on set. We accomplished this by nearly perfect in-camera lighting that translated to edits with minimal touch-up, and myself cropping and organizing the edited photos for delivery. 

This workflow allowed the entire creative team to make on-the-fly photo adjustments, and see the results in-monitor. This type of product photography feedback is invaluable and helps prevent costly re-shoots, saves time, and allows for greater experimentation. 

Display Pack is already getting a ton of mileage out of the product photography we delivered. The branded product photography is being reused in online advertisements, across their social presence, and is featured throughout their website to help deliver the right consumer experience and reinforce Display Packs position as a functional innovator.

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