Dogs, Dance, and Charity Photo Shoot
When Kylene Geyer, head coach of the Davenport Dance Team, approached us to shoot their 2018 -2019 team photos this year, we were excited at the opportunity to shoot a subject outside our “comfort zone.” Little did we know that opportunity would include helping some of our less fortunate four-legged friends as well.
The team arrived, the studio was set, and we got to work. Ten to fifteen minutes into the shoot and Aaron McGrane our Director of Photography was beginning to sync with Kylene and the girls “marks” to time up their poses. Underlying all this hard work was a huge surprise. Kylene partnered with Hearts of Hope, an organization dedicated to fostering and finding homes for dogs, and they were set to arrive with 9 different dogs and puppies. Capturing the faces, screams of joy, and genuine surprise was as rewarding as the planned shots we moved through in the morning.
Check out our quick video below capturing all of the fun!