Studio Days: How to Make Your Own Quasar Science LED Mounts
Quasar Science and LED Tubes…Everywhere
You’ve seen a set of Quasar Science LED tubes. We guarantee it. These long, versatile tubes of light have taken the video work by storm. What started as a way to turn heads with light design has morphed into an amazingly powerful lighting tool. The unique properties of Quasar Science LED tubes (a long, large, light, and power soft light source) lets you hide them almost anywhere.
However, in order to hide them anywhere you need to be able to mount them anywhere.
They’re practicals. They’re key lights. They’re light designs. This Audi is running them over…
Yes @roliszabo10, this is indeed brutal.
You get the point. These tubes are here to stay. However, with their newness the accessory side of the LED tube business hasn’t matured, at least in a competitive manner. Our DIY rig is simple, flexible, and integrates into most of your production workflows seamlessly. Also, it’s dirt cheap compared to official solutions and should help fill the void while more grip-tool companies bring out their professional solutions.
Our Quasar Science Mount Build
For each mount you make you’ll need the following:
Baby Pin Wall Plate (QTY 1) - You have a few different options here, but we recommend going with at least a six-inch straight baby pin mount. You can get angled mounts as well. It’s really up to you.
T8 or T12 LED Mounting Clip (QTY 4) - These are the actual clips that will secure your LED tubes into the mount. Also, you can literally screw these into the wall and mount lights as well
1/8” or M4 flat-head screws (QTY 4) - The big thing here is to make sure that screw is long enough and can fit through the hold in the T8 or T-12 clip
Sealing Washer (QTY 4) - These unique washers have a composite material on their flush side that will “catch” a screw as you thread it through making assembly easier. Also, they allow for easier adjustment with the wing-nut below.
Wing Nut (QTY 4) - We use these instead of any type of lock-nut so that you can adjust your mounts for added creativity.
Dimmer (QTY 1) - You can get a couple different versions, but honestly the best dimmer you can get is a variable speed control most often used for commercial fans. Most of your standard home light dimmers are only two-prong and can withstand about 4amps of power. The variable speed controllers can withstand up to 15 amps. You’ll need the added power if you want to make these rigs for the Quasar Cross-fades.
Banana Tap Extension Cord (QTY 1) - You can use pretty much any multi-outlet extension cord. We like these because they’re slim, and easy to mount and “disappear” on set.
It’s actually a really simple build. Check the video at the top for an in-depth look at the assembly and make sure to share your builds and improvements!